What’s Happened In the World

Blendly commercial coffee marketplace creates transparent access to fresh coffee production via our scalable production facility, giving the global coffee consumer opportunities to transmit greater economic and social value in their coffee blends.

Blendly allows your coffee blends to be developed, shared and redistributed across multiple sales channels giving your brand and its values a wider audience. Blendly also enables your brand to have automation support and management as your coffee reputation grows.

Blendly marketplace allows sustainable and transparent access to fresh coffee production for the global coffee consumer by giving them transparent access to the components that make up their everyday cup of coffee.

Many customers are noticing shortages in their everyday lives this is due to the current supply chain – which has been affected in light of the three critical challenges facing global supply chains: labour shortages, equipment availability, and the ripple effect of global bottlenecks

As highlighted in a recent Investment Monitor report After months of shortages – first, on supermarket shelves and later at the fuel pumps – the UK’s food supply chains are set to be a somewhat unconventional discussion point at many a Christmas table, given that concerns are being voiced over the availability of some of the traditional favourites. As the UK enters 2022 with uncertainty still clouding Brexit and a new Covid-19 variant spreading, consumers are likely to continue to suffer the brunt of food supply chain disruptions.

The trifecta of Covid-19, Brexit and labour shortages has turned the weekly shop into an endurance test for many. According to a survey conducted by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), 17% of buyers could not find essential food items they needed on a weekly basis on 10-18 November. The percentage went up to 24% for “other food items”.

Between the weeks starting 8 September 2021 and 8 November 2021, an average of 42.5% of buyers did not find everything they needed, from essential food items to fuel and medicine.  These food supply chain disruptions are not just for Christmas, however. Indeed, 2022 comes with its own set of additional hoops to jump through to avoid further food supply chain disruptions.

In January 2022, full custom controls will be introduced as part of the UK’s exit from the EU, which Bielby expects to prove challenging. Covid-19 will continue to be an issue, he adds, saying: “We don’t know what is going to happen with the various strains. There are going to be more lockdowns, and more restrictions on the economy, which is clearly going to cause problems as well.

“The problems are only going to get worse. We are going to see a lot of inflation and we are going to see continuous shortages of labour.”

To future-proof the UK’s food supply chains, Bielby says that the government could go some way towards plugging the skills shortage by helping with incentives and creating temporary visas of at least 12–24 months. He also stresses that the border problems relating to Northern Ireland are likely to remain problematic.

For Patel, securing UK supply chains requires a “two-pronged approach”. “First, improving efficiency by increasing automation [from farms to factories], and by using technology to drive more accurate forecasting to reduce waste through the value chain,” he says.

“Second, attracting and retaining workers, which is partly about pay but also about improving conditions and making food and drink an attractive place to work.”

In the short term, it seems like consumers will have to “deal with slightly less choice than they are used to, as well as price increases driven by broader input cost inflation”, concludes Patel.

Experts and industry bodies have been voicing their concerns for some time now, and few seem satisfied that the UK will enter the first few months of 2022 with strong and reliable food supply chains. Indeed, the additional Brexit-induced hurdles on the horizon mean that the issues will likely get worse before they get better.


Local Government Procurement – The Next Generation

Building the next  geration procurement tools in line with the ongoing thinking and compliance Blendly.co.uk understand the value of transparency and governance as a tool to develop new services and operates for its partners

The National Procurement Strategy sets out local government’s ambitions and priorities for the next four years, focusing on the three core themes; leadership; behaving commercially and; achieving community benefits.

  • showing leadership
  • behaving commercially
  • achieving community benefits

Working with Blendly Local government can deliver on the strategic objectives as well as contribute locally to the local economy, Blendly allow Local government to develop greater insight into establishing new talent, and develop partnership reward structures as well enabling digital innovation to build long term development is education, local development, and training and creating the tools that can embed change




Green Bean Prices – Your Coffee Blend

Over the last few months, we have all been witnessing pressure on prices and to date we have worked to minimize these pressures in the Blendly marketplace. We have introduced new account types and also added ways for your customers to build value with you in how they can have their everyday fix of coffee and we look forward to working with you to build more value in the New Year.

Green beans prices have been increasing over the last quarter and are now at 10 years high. Due to pressure on these commodity prices – The Blendly marketplace will start to reflect the current changes in these commodity prices.

Coffee Prices
US Coffee C Futures

Although green beans from all over the world have been affected as all our products are individually priced according to the mix of beans. Some blend mixes will remain relatively unchanged, however, South American beans such as  Brazilian and Columbian are noticeably affected.

We will continue to innovate over the coming year to build more value into our services. As well as build new types of accounts that allow everyone that we work with to build more value and open up more channels for your coffee blends.

Over the coming days, weeks, I look forward to catching up.

Ref :- https://uk.investing.com/commodities/us-coffee-c-streaming-chart

Coffee Roasting – Blendly Talks About How Coffee Roasting Works.

The boom in the specialty coffee industry has been going on for several years. Baristas are tirelessly gaining experience, broadening their knowledge of coffee, honing their skills, and mastering modern techniques. However, the increase of professionalism is missing one of the basic coffee-related areas. Baristas know more about coffee flavours and blending than they do about roasting coffee. Roasting is still largely treated like a secret knowledge, a craft for the chosen ones. So, what is coffee roasting and what does it look like? Let’s find out!

The Secrecy Around Coffee Roasting

Lighter roasting of high-quality Arabica beans in craft roasteries is a new and, therefore, still underdeveloped area. Everything was trivial as long as all coffee was roasted dark and consequently, every brew tasted very similar.

The famous third wave of coffee forced the roasters to significantly expand their knowledge, develop analytical and sensory skills, and gain a lot of patience and humility. Coffee roasting has its truths, half-truths, understatements, myths and incorrect assumptions. One person says one thing, the other says otherwise. Knowledge is largely passed on in closed master-student relationships or books, none of which has so far provided decent comprehensive knowledge for people to understand and share.

Going forward you will now witness the foundations of roasting in a simple form and a picture will be painted of what coffee roasting is all about.


Coffee is roasted in specialized roasters. The vast majority of them are the drum roasters. They are usually powered by fuel in the form of flammable gas. The most important element of such a machine is the coffee roasting drum. It’s a bit like in a washing machine, it’s cylindrical and it spins. Inside the drum there are paddles, which scoop the beans to ensure an even, cyclical, rotational journey through the roasting process.

The Flame

The flame is located directly under the drum. It turns the fuel supplied to it into a flame, the intensity of which is controlled by the operator. The flame is a source of energy – it heats the drum to the desired temperatures, which roasts the coffee.

The Cooling Tray

This is found directly under the exit, through which the roasted coffee is dropped at the right moment, thus completing the roast. The beans need to be cooled in order to stop the chemical reactions from taking place in them as quickly as possible. Therefore, just before the drop, the operator starts the mixer and a separate engine draws in the air, cooling the heated material. The mixer arms ensure even distribution of the coffee beans during the roasting process.

How to Roast the Coffee

Now that the introduction steps are complete, we can get into the actual roasting process of the coffee beans.

Hot air roasts the coffee, it goes through the drum and has to get away somewhere. The chimney allows dust and particles from the raw material and the smoke generated in the final stage of roasting to escape. Air transported through a separate channel cools the beans. The panel is the roasting command centre. It allows you to click, start, change and switch when necessary.

The Roasting Process

Coffee is a strikingly complex raw material. Even relatively small changes in the pool of substances contained in the beans will bring out completely different characteristics in the ground coffee, not to mention the brew.

Here are some popular aromas in the specialty-quality Arabica and the chemical compounds behind them, formed during the roasting process:

  • Nuttiness
  • Bitterness
  • Caramel, honey and
  • Fruitiness

The longer the coffee is roasted, the more; acidity decreases, bitterness increases, sweetness rises and then diminishes, and body increases and then decreases.

The Famous Crack

Here is a typical roasting profile designed for professional roasters.

The so-called crack is a very important moment for a roaster. At some point, the water in the roasted coffee beans turns into steam. Increasing pressure builds up and the fruit grows, it begins to crack and steam escapes. This moment is marked by specific noises that can be compared to the loud destruction of air bubbles from the bubble foil. This is what will have the most important influence on the taste of the brew.

Roasting Coffee at Home – Will it Work?

The simple answer is yes! You need an oven or a pan or a popcorn maker for this. If you use an oven, it must first be heated to the highest temperature. Coffee beans should be evenly distributed on the baking tray and then put into the oven. When roasting coffee at home, you cannot control changes in coffee temperature, so do not leave the oven and wait for the first crack. What happens next depends on our trials and experiments. Remember that after taking it out of the oven, the coffee should be cooled down. If you choose to roast coffee in a pan, the rules are similar. The coffee must be put into a dry, hot pan, but throughout the process you need to stir the beans so that they roast evenly. You wait for the crack, then observe the colour of the beans, and then remove them from the pan and cool them down. If you have a popcorn machine, you don’t have to worry about mixing the beans.

Coffee Roasting, as you have now read, is a very complex and delicate art if you are trying to get the perfect blend and flavours. If you want to mess around and create your own coffee bean roasts, it is indeed possible, but it will not yield the professional results that come from experienced coffee roasters. Coffee Roasting is in essence an art form that achieves extraordinary results.

Now that you have had an inside look at coffee roasting and the intricate process involved, why not visit the Blendly website and choose or create a coffee blend where the roasting has already been done for you, all you have to do is the fun part, choosing your coffee.

Create your own Coffee Blends with Blendly.

Have you found yourself wondering what it would be like to take a sip of coffee that you created and blended? A sip of your own handcrafted dark roast with just enough of the right flavours to create a sinfully tasteful cup of coffee where you are savoring every sip? Well, you will be delighted to know that Blendly allows you to create your own brands and blends from the comfort of your home. With taste matching where you can match the taste of any of your favourite coffee brands and cupping notes that allows you to use a taste chart to see which flavours you want in your blend, combined with the technology we offer; you can create and blend as many coffees as your heart desires.

Create your own

You can  create your own coffee blend from coffee beans harvested around the world. The process is simple and easy to manage on the Blendly website from the comfort of your computer. You get to pick what goes into your favorite coffee with the click of a mouse. First you will start by selecting your beans, then you will select your preferred grind or roast, select your barista plan and just like that you will have a unique creation of coffee sent straight to your doorstep. Simple, effective, and convenient. We will discuss the cupping notes and taste matching and how these come together in creating your own coffee blend.

Cupping notes

Cupping Notes allows you to see what the flavours you have put together will taste like and what flavour is more prevalent in your blend. Simply go to our website and select one of the blends to see what flavours go into it and you can pick the one that’s right for you.

Taste matching

If you are a person that enjoys your local coffee brands and flavours, no problem, try our taste matching. This allows you to match the taste of any coffee brand, you can even chat to a roaster through our website, and they can help you with any questions you might have. Just type in your beloved coffee brand, your name and email address and send your request through to us to make the magic happen.


All the above would not be possible without the coffee technology that we have available to us. This technology gives us the ability to provide customers with fresh coffee on demand every time. One of the features is the Blendly Community Builder, it allows a greater number of customers to access the coffee blending process. This increases access to traceable coffee, as well as creates new ways of allowing coffee blends to be sold to the growing market of you the consumer.

Blendly brings coffee and coffee lovers together to create, blend, choose or replicate coffee in a way that is so simple and effortless. Our goal is to ensure that you the customer receives the best coffee fresher and quicker than anywhere else.

Now that you have the just on how to create, blend, choose or replicate your own blends, why not visit the Blendly website and start your journey of creating a coffee that is unique to you.

Ready to try Blendly’s top 10 July Blends

Coffee is not just a hot drink that keeps you warm, it is so much more than that. The variation in flavours, created by the different bean cultivars, will ignite your taste buds and send your brain into a sensational whirl. The many different blends and flavours mean that each person out there can find the right coffee that suits their personal preference and gets their tastebuds excited! Here are our top 10 picks for July, blends that are sure to kick start your day off the right way.

1. Blendly Bad Boy Big Blend Espresso 


This filter blend is a superb, well-balanced, and a great all-round coffee that works as an espresso and a straight black coffee. This is a continental roast, originating from

Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Kenya and Ethiopia. Buy this blend here



2. Blendly Crema Blend

This whole bean blend is full-bodied, fruity, strong and acidic, perfect for those who prefer a smoother and less bitter espresso. It has a distinct fruity, acidic taste with hints of chocolate and a mild earthiness. This is a connoisseur roast that originates from Brazil, Colombia, Uganda, India, Kenya and Indonesia. Get this blend here


3. Blendly Magic Blend 

This is a whole bean delicate blend of five coffees from around the world – a real globe trotter blend you could say – which is ideally suited to the cafetiere/filter coffee drinkers. It is a light Italian roast that originates from Indonesia, India, Colombia and Ethiopia. Get this blend here




4. Blendly Lezet Blend

 This a whole bean blend of five coffees from around the world that deliver a well-rounded drink, perfect for all times of the day. The aroma is strong and rich, the cup has a strong fruity body with hints of nuts and caramels, which is finished with a strong taste of chocolates mixed with spices. This a connoisseur roast that originates from Colombia, Brazil, India, Indonesia and Vietnam. Get this blend here



5. Blendly Standard Dark Italian Espresso 

 This is a whole bean Italian style blend, well-balanced espresso with a good strong body to punch through milk. Lots of body with lively overtones and fruity undertones with bitter caramel and lasting aftertaste. Bold, strong flavours in the Italian style. Lots of body with lively overtones and fruity undertones with bitter caramel and lasting aftertaste. This is a dark Italian roast that originates from Brazil, Colombia, Uganda. Get this blend here.


6. Blendly Caledonia Best Espresso

Our best most popular whole bean espresso. A delicious selection of beans roasted in the traditional continental fashion. That creates an espresso with great balance, a fragrant chocolaty taste and aroma, smooth and creamy. delicious and a select combination of coffee beans, this is our best and most popular espresso blend, perfect for creating an espresso with great balance, a fragrant chocolatey taste and aroma, and a luxuriously smooth and creamy texture. This is a continental roast that originates from Ethiopia, India, Brazil and Papua New Guinea. Get this blend here


7. Blendly Espresso Extra 

Four top-quality Arabica whole beans are blended and roasted to perfection to make this delicious espresso, packed full of flavour and loads of extras. Tastes of chocolate, tons of crema, spicy undertones and a sweet finish make this coffee a must. This coffee is winey, earthy, sweet and spicy rich, bursting with flavour, creamy and sweet. This is a dark Italian roast that originates from Indonesia, Ethiopia, Uganda and Colombia. Get this blend here


8. Blendly Sweet Espresso

 A superb whole bean espresso blend made up of four different coffee beans which come together to deliver a truly satisfying taste. For those of us who want a sweet coffee without adding sugar, look no further. The aroma hits you with dark chocolates and caramels. The body is full of rich caramel which mellows on the palette to reveal a touch of spices. Hidden in the rich caramels, you will also detect notes of herbs and grasses. To finish, you are left with the aftertaste of dark chocolate. This is a connoisseur roast that originates from Uganda, India, Brazil and Costa Rica. Get this blend here


9. Marks Blend 

 This is a sweet whole bean blend of two great coffees, lightly roasted and super for a filter coffee, it has a fruity and floral flavour that goes with all food and is best enjoyed black.
This is a great coffee to have around the house all-day; it is very light with complex flavours. Grind it yourself from whole beans. Best enjoyed as a black coffee, with a splash of cold water. This is a light Italian roast that originates from Kenya and India. Get this blend here


10. Cupcake Coffee Box Artisan Blend

This whole bean coffee was developed from Brazilian, Indian, and Ugandan speciality grade coffee beans which creates a beautiful rounded Italian espresso with a long lasting aftertaste. This coffee was developed for Cupcake Coffee Box as a signature blend. We developed our Italian style coffee from a selection of Brazilian, Indian, and Ugandan coffee beans. This coffee was also developed as a perfect companion for lovers of sweet profiles. This is a dark Italian roast that originates from Colombia, India and Uganda. Get this blend here


These brands are created by coffee experts and coffee lovers like yourself to allow you to indulge in an array of flavours, blends and smells that will get your caffeine addiction pumping.

After sampling our month’s selection, why not try edit them to suit your pallet with our Blend Creator or learn more about how the variations create the various delightful flavours with our cupping notes.

Denyse Blends It Again at The Boathouse

We are delighted to see the Scottish hospitality sector get ready to re-open on 27th April, and are wishing all our customers well.

We’d like to give a special shout out to Glencaple based The Boathouse who have their own blend created with us, which will now feature in some of their savoury dishes too.

Manager Denyse Boyle said: “The most popular parts of our menu are breakfast, and salads. We’re looking forward to re-opening, making the very most of these choices. We’re very lucky to enjoy custom early in the day, as certainly, the hospitality sector is going to continue to have restricted hours of business for a time. This can be problematic for places which traditionally open later in the day, serving people in the evening. We want to make the very most of the custom we attract. It’s going to be fantastic to welcome back our customers, we have really missed them.”

Denyse explained that chef Allana had incorporated her Boathouse Blend into both delicious salad dressings, and as a coffee rub on brisket for an outstanding beef sandwich.

“We’re really excited about these dishes which Allana has been hard at work developing over lockdown. I have tasted these myself and I think it all works really well. The salads have an amazing zing whilst the coffee rub makes the beef moist and succulent. We can’t wait to see what our customers think. They already love the coffee which is used in a range of hot drinks, whilst in the summer, we serve cold coffees too,” she said.


“It is something special to have your own bespoke blend for your business,” finished Denyse. “We want to share and promote the provenance and sustainability of the ingredients we use, so the fact we can extend this to our coffee is a real selling point.”

We’re delighted that Denyse is pleased with her coffee, and we commend her creativity. As a fully digital, one stop shop, we believe that using Blendly in a variety of ways, whether it’s in hot drinks, or as we have read here, in dishes, is a novel step forward. The Boathouse’ owner can also sell the Blendly blend to others if they wish, so we are a way to build coffee sales as we come out of this pandemic.

Blendly Coffee – We give you the top tips on pairing our delicious coffees with food!

Blendly has produced a handy guide to pairing coffee with all types of food. It’s been common in the past to pair wine with food, even chocolate… well coffee is exactly the same. By pairing the various flavour notes and nuances in coffee with certain foodstuffs, you can bring out the best in both the coffee, and the various ingredients!


Clearly there are many more different types of artisan coffees around nowadays, with tastes in coffee becoming even more sophisticated. Foodies now want to know how to make the very most of their blends, to bring out every flavour.
Here is our simple to follow guide:

When trying to pair coffee with food, a good rule of thumb would be to match the intensity of the flavour of your dish.

§ Heavier, more intensely flavoured foods are best matched with stronger coffees to match their richness. Kenyan or Rwandan coffees might work well here, just like coffees from New Guinea or Indonesia.
§ Lighter foods are best paired with lighter, more nuanced coffees. Try balanced coffees from Central or South America or a floral, fragrant coffee from Ethiopia.




Wake up in style with a smoky, heavier coffee if you’re having a traditional fried breakfast with bacon and sausages. Try Ethiopian Yirgacheffe or a coffee with beans from Guatemala.

Sweet dishes like pancakes and doughnuts go well with coffees that have higher fruit notes. Try a Kenyan Peaberry.

Light breakfasts such as cereals, croissants and toast go well with light, balanced coffees. A Guatemala Fresh, or a Fairtrade Costa Rica might be the ones to go for here.


Chinese or Asian dishes, with their often nutty and spicy flavours, go well with nutty and smoky coffees. Try a Sumatra Roast or beans from Papua New Guinea.

Smoked meats go well with equally smoky coffees.

Soup and salads, as light as they are, are best paired with dry and lighter coffees. Suggestions are Ethiopian Sidamo and Kenya AA.



FRUIT – here are some suggestions:

Berries – Kenya Peaberry, Ethiopian Sidamo, Harrar Longberry

Tropical fruits (mangoes, papayas, etc) – Cuban, Ethiopian Yirgacheffe




Young and creamy cheeses go well with bright flavours. Try Costa Rica and Cuba.

Milky cheeses like Ricotta help balance bittersweet cocoa notes. Monsoon Malabar will go perfectly.

Lemony, slightly sour cheeses are balanced well with acidic, sweeter coffees. Suggestions – Kenya AA and Ethiopian Yirgacheffe.

Sharp cheeses like cheddar match the pleasantly bitter bite of coffee and espresso. Hence why they go so well with Italian Roasts and delicious Mocha Javas.



DESSERT – it’s coffee heaven!

Creamy desserts like crème brulee work well with smooth, full-bodied coffee.
Mocha Java
Dark chocolates help accentuate the bitterness of coffee.
Mocha Java
Italian Roast
Light pastries and scones work well with light, well-balanced coffees.
Espresso Milano
Illy Style
Fruity and tarty desserts go well with bright coffees.

Kenya AA
Harrar Longberry
Kenya Peaberry
Spiced desserts, such as those with cinnamon and nutmeg, go well with equally spicy coffees.
Cinnamon Sticks Flavoured
Cinnamon and Hazelnut
Espresso Caledonia
Nutty desserts go well with winey coffees, with balanced sweet and sour tastes.
Costa Rica




It’s true to say that there is a science to pairing flavours, but the best combination is still the one that works best for you. This list is a rough guide to starting on your own pairing journey. Follow your palate and enjoy the process of pairing your coffees with your favourite foods.

New Blendly Barista Distributor Richard Is Bringing Gallic Charm to Blendly in the South East!


It began with him seeing his first Blendly Facebook advert, to getting in touch and having a meeting with Managing Director Mark Wilson. Blendly then showed Frenchman Richard Macien that the sky was the limit for bespoke coffee! And Covid 19 is certainly not going to stand in his way!
Richard, who was born in Port au Prince in Haiti, but moved to Paris when he was five years old, is a new Blendly Barista Distributor for the South East of England.

Having been involved in the coffee industry since 2001, when he moved to Britain, Richard progressed from Starbucks Barista to managing a number of their outlets, along with fulfilling supporting roles in developing coffee brands.
“Through Starbucks, I learned about making a coffee shop more productive,” he said. “We were serving up to ninety-five customers per half an hour with our morning trades in London City. In 2005, I was awarded “Customer Service Manager” of the year following the Basic Behaviour Change Program.”

From Starbucks, Richard, whose nickname is The Ayitian Coffee Dude, moved to private catering at the Barclays HQ in Canary Wharf. Due to his past coffee expertise from Starbucks he supported the development of new coffee shops, both set up and operation, within the thirty floor HQ.


After Barclays, I fulfilled a number of other coffee related roles, from Retail Manager at RBS, Area Manager for Sodexo, to Business Development Manager for Paper & Cups, running my own coffee shop Kafe 1788 in East London.”
He clearly now has a love affair with coffee.

“Maybe it’s because coffee was something I was not allowed to have until I was eighteen years of age,” said Richard. “I would have coffee in the morning with my Mum before leaving the house, it was our little tradition! Then I was hooked!”
Now he lists his favourite coffees as Brazilian, Guatemalan, and Colombian.



He also loves cold brewed coffee with some Kenyan or Yirgacheffe, and lately he has been drinking some nice Haitian Blue Mountain as well.

As I have all the brewing equipment at home, I love experimenting with the different brewing methods. I particularly love a nice Oat Flat white when I’m out and about!”



“The current Covid19 climate is certainly making it hard for the hospitality sector,” continued Richard. “But with Blendly’s online platform you can create your own coffee blend and develop a distinct brand for it. This is the future for coffee shops and coffee lovers. We must embrace the technology tools to support the coffee industry in the future. That’s why I have been so impressed with Blendly – it provides all the tools you need.”

“I’m confident that I can grow the Blendly name in this crucial territory. I know plenty of potential new outlets for Blendly coffee. I can earn an income from distributing this coffee, which could include blends I will develop myself,” he said.

In his spare time, (if he has any when he is not promoting Blendly), Richard is a keen cook, and as he is lactose intolerant and newly vegan, he’s working more on baking delicious vegan cakes. Sweet!

Further details www.blendly.co.uk.