blendly analytics services

Blendly Analytics Service- Help You Develop the Perfect Coffee Blend

Blendly Analytics services allow you to create and understand the customers that drink your coffee blend as well as a measure and communicate to your customer about the coffee experience.

blendly analytics servicesBlendly analytics was developed to help customers understand more about the  various tastes that can be developed using the Blendly. With so many coffee brands and so many flavours and coffee being brewed in so many ways blendly analytics service lets you better understand what your coffee blends mean to the person that drinks it.

In your Blendly account, all of our coffee blends have there owned unique CTAPS code that allows the blend to published to the people that care most about coffee and for feedback to be created about the individual blend they are drinking.

Our Analytics also allows you to have switched on Predictive ordering – a simple tool that never lets you run out of coffee – By continuing to look at your historical usage as a prediction of the future.

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