Sustainability in the Coffee Industry 

Sustainability and The notion of ‘sustainability’ emerged in The Ecologist’s A Blueprint for Survival, in 1972. The quest to make modern civilization ‘sustainable’ inspired the UN’s Stockholm Conference in 1972 and the ‘global trusteeship’ of subsequent international environmental treaties. ‘Sustainability’ is related to ‘futurity’, hence the Brundtland Commission in 1987 defined sustainable development as

 ‘development which meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. 

The innovation of today and its impact on the future generations of tomorrow – History has many examples of innovations’ best intentions and over time the unforeseeable circumstances that technology and innovation have created 

Yet cycles of innovation do bring change – Allowing us to do old things in new ways 

To Do new things in new ways  all help Transform as well as the creation of new business models that better understand and bridge the needs of the present with the needs of the future generations

With technology and information providing greater insight into the needs of the future is working on a more sustainable supply chain and is part of this innovation cycle and its contribution to developing more sustainable innovation in the coffee industry 

If you like to learn more about reach out and learn more 

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