Delicious coffee beans

Coffee Distributors, what goes into it. Blendly chats about their coffee commodities and how distributors can reap the benefits.

A coffee distributor wants to sell a brand that is unique to them and their customers, and has the flavourful nodes that suit their personality, harvested from even the most remote regions of the world. Blendly has all of those in the bag when it comes to satisfying the coffee drinker. Blendly’s technology allows large scale distributors, to create blends tailored to their unique tastes and flavour pallets. With these endless opportunities, it’s no wonder they are a supplier that coffee lovers love to embark on coffee adventures with!

Blendly gives communities the tools to create a more dynamic and customisable service with products that are unique, focused on sustainability through economic innovation and digital integration, allowing coffee consumers greater scope to create, develop, manage, and build sustainable value.

Economic costs are usually a problem when it comes to distribution, but Blendly puts your mind at ease by ensuring that the middleman is cut out, therefore saving you money on storage and redistribution costs.

With the ability to create your own brand and blends, Blendly provides you with the tools necessary to give your consumers exactly what they want, when they want it.

Create your own coffee blend from specialty coffee beans harvested around the world.Coffee distributor

There are so many choices available when it comes to being able to create a coffee that suits you or your customers’ needs. The only thing really missing is being able to choose the soil that your coffee will grow in. As a distributor, you can offer your customers a wide selection of coffee beans from around the world. On top of that, there is a choice of preferred grinds or roasts. Whether your customer is a lighthearted coffee drinker that prefers one cup of light-medium roast or a hardcore caffeine addict that guzzles down 20 cups of dark roast trying to chase the buzz, Blendly offers all the options for all types of coffee drinkers.

How does ERP benefit the distributor?

Integrating your coffee management into your enterprise resource planning system allows for better management of the coffee supply chain, which in turn means better control of your coffee as well as better management of your inventory across your supply chain. This will allow you to develop better, fresher coffee supplies at a lower inventory cost.

Why do our distributors love our API?

This all has to do with developing a seamless relationship between you, your coffee, and your customer. Understanding their preferred taste and your preferred costs. Our API lets your coffee communicate with other products without having to know how they are implemented; this offers greater customer management based around the flavours.

Our Blendly API allows distributors to distribute their coffee brand, allowing developers and partners the opportunity to distribute new and innovative multi-channel services around fresh coffee.

When you become a distributor of Blendly you choose which path is ideal for your interest and willingness to earn.

If you have the nose for coffee, and the passion to enter the coffee business, take a look at our Blendly Distributor Programme and start building your own coffee community today!

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