The Blendly roasting packs allow you to join a community of coffee lovers that grow every day to understand the contents of your coffee
Blendly helps you develop your own knowledge of beans, taste and roasting colour for your home, friends family and workplace via blendly. co. uk
The Blendly roasting packs allow you to understand the comments of your coffee and develop your own knowledge of taste, colour and grind via your blendly. co. uk account
With the Home Roasting packs all you have to do is start making and drinking coffee. Blendly offers unique tools to allow you to build on your own blend and have it managed and delivered when it is most needed keeping your coffee Unique and fresh for you

STEP ONE:- Simply take out one of the coffee packs and make your coffee in the usual way each blend has a Unique production QR code on the label just scan and go to the blendly line production portal where you can look at the bend and its components the beans, the roast, the Taste Profile
STEP TWO:- Blendly.co.uk allow you to change the Roast and the Beans and also add your own name to your new blend via the blendly.co.uk portal. The portal allows you to add components to your blend and select beans from all over the world you can add your blend allowing you to share your blend with other blendly.co.uk customers
STEP THREE:- Once you have gone through the check and ordered your blend it will arrive in a few days you can also publish your blend to the Blendly.co.uk marketplace and share your tasting notes with other baristas, or you can select from the many blends already published. Blendly Offers monthly subscriptions that allow you an allowance of coffee every month that you can use to create great coffee or share your coffee with friends
If you need help with the creation of your blend why not reach out to one of teams at blendly.co.uk
Blendly the commercial coffee roasters allow baristas to create their own unique coffee blends that are unique to you and your machine and with so much content shared about how to choose the right coffee machine and how to prepare the perfect coffee. blendly.co.uk allows you to take your knowledge and research to create a blend, with your own signature
Blendlly Home roasting packs are available via a network of Coffee shops and baristas that have also developed coffee blends for their own unique experience
Blendly understands that 40% of millennials in particular have experimented with becoming a “home Barista” and consumers are becoming more confident with their coffee-making capabilities. blendly offers Online tools that allow home baristas to understand more about what they can achieve in terms of taste and body from the creation of their own Coffee blend