Our New Blendly Rockstar Series Blends

Blendly is always keeping up with the times and offering you top quality coffee that is fast, fresh, and convenient. We are proud to introduce to you our new series of coffee blends… The Rockstar Blend Series. This coffee series is based on British Rockstar’s intertwined with different beans and flavours that compliment the blends. If you are a rock and roll fan and you want a coffee blend that will rock your day, try one of these rocking blends and get music in a cup.

Abby Roast

Get ready for a hard day’s night with the Abby Roast Blend, inspired by the Beatles song Abby Road. This whole bean blend is full-bodied, fruity, strong and acidic, perfect for those who prefer a smoother and less bitter espresso. This has a distinct fruity, acidic taste with hints of chocolate and a mild earthiness. It is a Connoisseur roast which originates from Brazil, Colombia, Uganda, India, Kenya and Indonesia.

Bohemian Blend

Is this real life, or is this just fantasy? It’s real alright. The Bohemian Blend is inspired by the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody. This is a whole bean coffee blend with rich and strong aroma. The cup has a strong fruity body with hints of nuts and caramels, which is finished by a strong back taste of chocolates mixed with spices. It is a connoisseur roast that originates from Colombia, Brazil, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Hero Blend

This Blend will leave you feeling like a king and queen. The Hero Blend is inspired by the song Hero by David Bowie. This whole bean coffee has a mild and earthy aroma, which develops on the taste buds. This coffee blend has a strong earthy body with hints of woods and caramels, which finishes with a mild lemony/turpeny aftertaste. It is a light Italian roast which originates from Indonesia, India, Colombia, Ethiopia.

Rolling Roast

With this blend you will get satisfaction. The Rolling Roast is inspired by the band Rolling stones. This whole bean blend is full of rich caramel which mellows on the palette to reveal a touch of spices. Hidden in the rich caramels, you will also detect notes of herbs and grasses. To finish, you are left an aftertaste of dark chocolate. It is a connoisseur roast which originates from Uganda, India, Brazil and Costa Rica.


The Rockstar Blends come together to bring excitement and gusto to the coffee industry. Blendly enjoys having fun with coffee and sharing that fun with coffee lovers. There are many blends to choose from in the Rockstar series, each with their own unique flavours that are sure to satisfy all taste buds.

Now that you have had an inside look at all the Rockstar Blends and what they have to offer, why not try the Abby Roast and release your inner Rockstar.


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