What are the Benefits of a Coffee Machine company selling Blendly Platform as a Service rather that bulk roasting coffee

According to a recent survey conducted by Allegra World Coffee Portal, there are approximately 300 commercial coffee roasters in the UK as of 2021. This number has been steadily increasing in recent years due to the growing demand for specialty coffee and the rise of independent coffee shops and cafes.

These commercial coffee roasters offer flexibility, Innovation Sustainability  – experimenting with new roasting techniques, blends, and flavors. They are more likely to source unique and rare coffee beans, which allows them to offer a more unique and diverse range of coffee products.

And with more of these roasters supplying machines, they are offering a new point of difference for coffee drinkers

Blendly.co.uk offer (PAAS) service are several benefits for a coffee machine company selling Blendly Platform as a Service (PAAS) rather than bulk roasting coffee: allowing the management of coffee blends to be managed at a more local level allowing the Machine Suppliers more flexibility, Innovation Sustainability  – around there coffee

  1. Increased revenue streams: By offering Blendly PAAS, a coffee machine company can create an additional revenue stream by providing their customers with access to high-quality green coffee beans and the ability to create custom blends.
  2. Flexibility: With Blendly PAAS, customers can order and receive freshly roasted coffee beans on demand, which provides flexibility and eliminates the need for coffee machine companies to hold large amounts of roasted coffee inventory.
  3. Customization: Blendly PAAS allows customers to create custom coffee blends to suit their taste preferences, which can be a unique selling point for coffee machine companies.
  4. Scalability: Blendly PAAS is a scalable solution that can be easily integrated with coffee machine company’s existing operations and technology.
  5. Reduced waste: By only roasting the amount of coffee needed, Blendly PAAS can help reduce waste and improve sustainability efforts.

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