Blendly – October 2023 Newsletter

Sodexo Research finds “20% Suppliers do not have a Carbon Reduction Plan”

Sodexo Research finds that ‘20% of suppliers do not have a carbon reduction plan in place.’ collaborates with companies to facilitate their transition to Net Zero with its food security technology. Blendly PAAS is a digital platform that empowers volume coffee users to craft their unique blends using a diverse selection of high-quality green coffee beans from around the world. These blends are delivered through Blendly’s food security system, streamlining the coffee supply chain by reducing intermediaries and enabling direct shipment across complex networks………….. Learn more about carbon reduction with Blendly

Home Roasting Packs : Three Steps to a Great Coffee

The Blendly roasting packs enable you to join a community of coffee lovers that grows everyday, fostering a deeper understanding of your coffee’s contents. It assists you in developing your knowledge of beans, taste, and roasting colour for your home, friends, family, and workplace via With the Home Roasting packs, all you need to do is start making and enjoying coffee. Blendly offers unique tools to help you create your blend, which is then managed and delivered to your satisfaction..…………. Explore more about home roasting packs

“When Baristas Blend: The Auld Tram Coffee Blends”

Auld Tram is an original Dundee & District Tramways Horse-Drawn Tram, one of the oldest examples in existence today. Auld Tram is passionate about the city of Dundee and the preservation of its historical identity. Auld Tram has its coffee developed by Blendly and has made use of Blendly’s distributor program to distribute their coffee with other coffee lovers throughout Dundee. They have shown that coffee is much more than a drink; it’s a community……………. Read more about Auld Tram Coffee Blends

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