The Low Carbon Economy , Innovation and Small Businesses

According to the Economist Across the rich world, Governments are implementing more than ten times as many policies as they were each year in 2010 – 2015 If their Manifestos are anything to Go by, Politicians Plan a lot more in the coming years to achieve dominance in renewable energy, Electric Trasport and Generative AI this is the biggest policy shift in a generation 

This rapid increase in the policy and the speed of implementation is affecting people, and companies, daily and it is happening at a time were the world is still finding its new normal work habits of everyday people to the new global Geo politic

One group that is affected by these changes is small businesses. While large corporations may have the resources and infrastructure to adapt to evolving government policies and regulations, small businesses often face more significant challenges.

In which the low-carbon economy and associated government policies are impacting Innovation and small businesses and in the short term having a negative impact in the short term 

  1. Compliance Costs: Small businesses struggle to meet the regulatory requirements associated with the low-carbon economy. Compliance costs, such as investing in cleaner technologies or meeting emissions targets, can strain limited budgets.
  2. Market Access: As governments emphasize domestic production and security, small businesses may find it harder to compete in global markets, limiting their growth prospects.
  3. Innovation: Smaller enterprises often lack the resources for extensive research and development. The shift away from globalization may reduce opportunities for collaboration and innovation that were more readily available in a globalized world.
  4. Resource Availability: The focus on energy, food, and health security may affect the availability and affordability of essential resources for small businesses, impacting their operations.
  5. Policy Uncertainty: Frequent policy changes and evolving regulations can create uncertainty for small businesses, making it challenging to plan for the future.

While the shift towards the low-carbon economy is driven by valid concerns about security and sustainability, it’s crucial to strike a balance.  Governments can play a role in supporting small businesses during this transition by providing targeted assistance, fostering innovation ecosystems, and ensuring that policies are adaptable and consistent. Encouraging local solutions while maintaining a global perspective can help harness the advantages of both approaches.

The low-carbon economy and associated government policies are having a significant impact on small businesses. However, amid this transition, it’s essential to find ways to preserve the innovation that globalization brought while addressing pressing issues related to security and sustainability. Small businesses, as the backbone of many economies, should be supported in adapting to this changing landscape. Balancing local and global perspectives is key to navigating this new world effectively

The GLOCAL Impact: Navigating Consolidation in the Coffee Industry

In a strategic maneuver to boost efficiency and harness synergies, Hamburg-based Tchibo, a powerhouse in the European coffee industry, has made a decisive move. The company has chosen to consolidate its UK and Ireland businesses under the esteemed Scottish brand, Matthew Algie & Company Limited. This bold merger includes Tchibo Coffee Services and Capitol Foods, acquired in 2016 and 2018, respectively. The unified entity will now operate under the banner of Matthew Algie.

A Brief Glimpse Into Tchibo:
Tchibo, with a global presence spanning over 60 countries, boasts a diverse portfolio featuring renowned names such as Davidoff Café, Smokin’ Bean, Piacetto, and Caffè Molinari. The company manages 550 branded coffee shops across Germany and an additional 320 in Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Turkey. Despite impressive sales of €3.24 billion ($3.53 billion) in 2022, Tchibo faced challenges, grappling with an annual EBIT loss of €167 million ($182 million) attributed to rising raw material, energy, and freight costs. Responding to these challenges, Tchibo appointed Erik Hofstädter as its new CEO in December 2023.

Is Bigger Better for Customers?
The consolidation of Tchibo’s UK and Ireland businesses under the Matthew Algie brand prompts a crucial question: Is bigger better for customers? In an industry that constantly expands into new markets, this move signifies a strategic effort to grow revenue sources.

Considerations for Local Customers:
While a consolidated brand may seem advantageous, local customers are encouraged to consider the broader global environment and the associated commodities within the industry. Mergers can bring about positive changes, such as expanded product offerings and operational efficiencies. However, potential challenges should be on the radar when considering contracts for machines and supplies.

Potential Changes Customers May Experience:

Reduced Competition:
The consolidation might lead to reduced competition, potentially impacting choices and resulting in higher prices and decreased innovation. The coffee industry is filled with local suppliers offering alternatives tailored to specific markets.

Efficiency Improvements:
On a positive note, operational synergies may lead to streamlined processes, better supply chain management, and potential cost savings. However, larger organizations may struggle to adapt quickly to global consumer demands and ongoing economic changes affecting supply chains.

Loss of Unique Features:
Unique features from individual companies may be discontinued, affecting customers who value specific offerings.

Integration Challenges:
Temporary disruptions in service, changes in customer support processes, and adjustments to ordering systems may occur during the integration process, impacting local customers dependent on locally driven services.

Changes in Branding and Marketing:
Merged companies often undergo rebranding or adjustments to marketing strategies, reflecting changes in product packaging, logos, or promotional activities.

Potential Price Changes:
Depending on market dynamics, pricing structures for products and services may change. The global supply chain for green beans and geopolitical shifts, moving away from globalization to a more decentralized economy, can influence pricing.

Customer Service Changes:
Adjustments to customer service procedures, contact points, and support channels may be part of the integration process.

Higher Prices:
Consolidation can lead to increased market power, potentially resulting in higher prices for products and services.

Job Losses and Employee Morale:
Mergers often involve restructuring and cost-cutting measures, impacting employee morale and, subsequently, customer service.

In Conclusion:
While the consolidation of Tchibo’s UK and Ireland businesses under the Matthew Algie brand presents potential benefits, customers are urged to stay informed about potential changes and actively engage with the evolving business landscape. As the coffee industry undergoes transformative shifts, navigating these changes with a discerning eye will be crucial for customers seeking the best value and service in their coffee experience.

As companies embrace glocal thinking, understanding its implications becomes paramount for both businesses and consumers alike. By recognizing the interplay between global and local dynamics, stakeholders can adapt strategically to thrive in an ever-evolving marketplace.

Understanding the Rise in Coffee Prices: A Global Perspective

In recent times, coffee lovers around the world have been noticing a gradual increase in the price of their favourite beverage. This trend can be attributed to a complex interplay of factors, ranging from agricultural practices to geopolitical tensions. In this blog post, we’ll delve into these reasons, highlighting how they contribute to the rising costs of coffee. Coffee Robusta Price is at a current level of 3.381, up from 3.264 last month and up from 2.291 one year ago. This is a change of 3.59% from last month and 47.57% from one year ago

The Harvest and Market Dynamics

Vietnam, a key player in the robusta coffee market, is seeing a successful harvest season. As the Tet New Year holidays approach, a time marked by increased commercial activity and selling, we can expect some fluctuations in coffee stock availability. However, the overall commercial activity within Vietnam is likely to slow down as we move closer to the holidays.

Brazil’s Coffee Crop and Weather Concerns

Brazil, another major coffee producer, is now focusing on the development of its new crop. The upcoming 2024 harvest is anticipated with great interest, as forecasts and weather conditions will play a significant role in determining the production potential. Brazil’s export performance has shown considerable improvement, which, under normal circumstances, could stabilize prices. However, the weather remains a critical factor that could affect the supply chain and pricing.

Logistics and Geopolitical Tensions

A significant factor contributing to the rise in coffee prices is the current state of global logistics. Major shipping lines are rerouting their vessels via the Cape of Good Hope due to geopolitical tensions and security concerns in the Red Sea and Suez Canal. This rerouting adds to the lead times and costs of moving goods, including coffee. The Suez Canal, facilitating a third of global container ship cargo, plays a crucial role in the timely and cost-effective transportation of coffee. Disruptions here could have ripple effects, potentially leading to global inflation.

Certified Coffee Stocks and Market Sentiments

The stability of certified washed Arabica coffee stocks and the distribution of these stocks between Europe and the USA reflect a tightly controlled supply chain. However, any fluctuation in these stocks or in the logistics of transporting coffee can have immediate effects on prices.

The Bottom Line

The rise in coffee prices is not attributed to a single cause but is the result of a combination of agricultural, logistical, and geopolitical factors. From Vietnam’s harvest dynamics to Brazil’s weather conditions and the impact of global shipping routes, each element plays a part in shaping the market. As we continue to navigate through these complex dynamics, one thing remains clear: the world of coffee is as interconnected as it is diverse, with each change in the supply chain having a direct impact on coffee lovers worldwide.

In summary, while coffee enthusiasts might have to pay a bit more for their beloved brew, understanding the reasons behind these price hikes can help us appreciate the global journey coffee takes to reach our cups.

Tchibo Coffee Service Joins the Matthew Algie Family – What to Expect

The Recent announcement of Hamburg-based Tchibo purchased Matthew Algie in 2016 and Capitol Foods in 2018 – since then, we have all been operating under their names. Recognizing the strong values and reputation for quality and sustainable practices, parent company Tchibo has taken the bold decision to consolidate its UK and Ireland businesses under the Scottish brand’s name, Matthew Algie & Company Limited.

This strategic merger will see Tchibo Coffee Services and Dublin-based Capitol Foods trade under the Matthew Algie brand – a move intended to generate synergies and efficiencies across a consolidated coffee, beverages, food, and equipment portfolio.

Hamburg-based Tchibo acquired Matthew Algie in 2016 and Capitol Foods in 2018, with each continuing to operate under its name. Tchibo is one of Europe’s largest coffee groups, operating in more than 60 countries with a portfolio of packaged coffee brands including Davidoff Café, Smokin’ Bean, Piacetto, and Caffè Molinari.

Tchibo also operates a vast wholesale business alongside 550 branded coffee shops across Germany and a further 320 across Austria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Switzerland, and Turkey.

Posting sales of €3.24bn ($3.53bn) in 2022, Tchibo incurred an annual EBIT loss of €167m ($182m amid increased raw material, energy, and freight costs. In December 2023 Tchibo appointed Erik Hofstädter as its new CEO.

It is understood that Hamburg-based Tchibo according to the World Coffee portal Posting sales of €3.24bn ($3.53bn) in 2022, Tchibo incurred an annual EBIT loss of €167m ($182m amid increased raw material, energy, and freight costs. In December 2023 Tchibo appointed Erik Hofstädter as its new CEO.

Is bigger better for customers It is understood Coffee continues to be one of the fastest-moving sectors, and the announcement confirms that they are looking to take operations in the new markets that emerge as businesses look to grow their sources of revenue.

Sectors such as garden centers no longer simply use their cafes as a footfall driver but as a critical part of their income. However, in general, when companies in the coffee service industry or any industry merge, customers may experience various changes.

What Should customers consider when they go to replace their contract for machines and supplies in the light of a global economy that is decentralizing in favor of more flexible suppliers that are local to their markets? 

Mergers often lead to the pooling of resources, technologies, and expertise. Customers may appear on the face of it to benefit from an expanded range of products and services, combining the strengths of both companies.

Expanded Product and Service Offering size can limit innovation and can go hand in hand in A reduction in the number of competing companies may result in decreased incentives for innovation. With fewer companies striving to outdo each other, there may be less pressure to develop new and improved products or services. This lack of innovation can negatively impact the variety and quality of offerings available to customers.

Reduced Competition: One of the main concerns with mergers is that they can lead to a decrease in competition. When two companies merge, they may eliminate a competitor from the market, reducing choices for customers. This lack of competition could result in higher prices, decreased product or service quality, and less incentive for innovation.

Efficiency Improvements: Mergers can result in operational synergies and efficiency improvements. This might lead to more streamlined processes, better supply chain management, and potentially cost savings that could be passed on to customers.

Loss of Unique Features: If the merging companies have distinct and unique features or offerings, the merger might result in the discontinuation of one company’s products or services. Customers who value specific features from each company may be disappointed if those features are no longer available.

Integration Challenges: The integration of the companies can also bring challenges. Customers might experience temporary disruptions in service, changes in customer support processes, or adjustments to ordering systems as the companies work to align their operations.

Changes in Branding and Marketing: Merged companies may decide to rebrand or adjust their marketing strategies. Customers might see changes in product packaging, logos, or promotional activities as the companies integrate their identities.

Potential Price Changes: Depending on the nature of the merger and the market dynamics, there might be implications for pricing. Customers should be attentive to any announcements or changes in pricing structures for the products and services they regularly use. Higher Prices: Mergers can lead to increased market power for the newly formed company, allowing them to set higher prices for their products or services. With fewer alternatives available due to reduced competition, customers may end up paying more for the same goods or services.

Customer Service Changes: There could be adjustments to customer service procedures and policies. New contact points, revised customer support channels, or changes in the handling of customer inquiries may occur. Mergers often involve the integration of different systems, processes, and cultures. This integration can lead to operational challenges and disruptions in customer service. Customers may experience issues such as longer wait times, confusion about products or services, and changes in customer support quality.

Cultural Differences: Merging companies may have different corporate cultures, and if not managed effectively, this can result in a negative impact on customer experience. Changes in the way business is conducted, communication styles, or overall company values can be unsettling for customers accustomed to a certain culture.  Job Losses and Employee Morale: Mergers often lead to restructuring and cost-cutting measures, including layoffs. This can result in a loss of expertise and experience among employees, potentially affecting the quality of products or services. Additionally, if employees are dissatisfied or demoralized due to job uncertainty or changes in work conditions, it can impact their ability to provide good customer service., as a brand with a focus on coffee blending and customization, can play a valuable role in helping customers navigate the changes resulting from the recent merger involving Tchibo, Matthew Algie, and Capitol Foods. Here are ways Blendly can assist customers during this transition acting as a building block to build value in local markets at scale – and integrating in new relationships with customers –


Navigating a Decentralized World

In recent years, the global conversation has been shifting from the advantages of globalization to the merits of a more decentralized world. Governments around the globe are looking inward, focusing on protectionism, job security, and the safeguarding of domestic production. High subsidies are being allocated, and growing threats to national security have prompted a reevaluation of priorities. Key areas such as energy, food, and health security are gaining prominence, along with the everyday effects on people and businesses, notably the cost of living crisis.

This evolving worldview is driving policy changes, particularly in the realm of the low-carbon economy. The transition towards a low-carbon economy is bringing about changes for individuals and companies at an ever-increasing pace. Simultaneously, we’re witnessing a surge in government regulations aimed at facilitating the day-to-day management of this transformative process.

According to the Economist Across the rich world, Governments are

implementing more than ten times as many policies as they were each year in 2010 – 2015 If their Manifestos are anything to Go by, Politicians Plan a lot more in the coming years to achieve dominance in renewable energy, Electric Trasport and Generative AI this is the biggest policy shift in a generation 

However, as we navigate this transition, it’s essential to recognize that one of the effects of globalization is its ability to foster innovation to address global challenges. With the move towards decentralization, there is a concern that we might be losing out on the innovation needed to tackle these pressing global issues.

With more Policy comes more regulation and more uncertainty in an already changing world requiring greater flexibility for companies to deal with compliance costs, Market Access, create  Innovation 

Blendly is a food security system built on the global infrastructure to allow


sustainable and transparent access to fresh coffee production. Developed for the global coffee consumer giving them transparent access to the components that make up your everyday cup of coffee.

Sodexo Research ” 20% of suppliers do not have a carbon reduction plan in place ” Food security technology Helping you move to Net Zero

According to Sodexo research conducted in November 2021, 62% of suppliers had already made a commitment to achieve net zero by 2050 or sooner, while 20% did not have a carbon reduction plan in place.

Suppliers represent 75% of the company’s supply chain emissions and the partners have received a roadmap detailing Sodexo’s sustainability requirements, including the 2030 deadline.

Sodexo is first requiring suppliers to provide a detailed annual carbon reduction plan identifying opportunities for collaboration and areas of improvement, while also reporting on scope 1 and 2 emissions at the minimum.

This evolving worldview is driving policy changes, particularly in the realm of the low-carbon economy. The transition towards a low-carbon economy is bringing about changes for individuals and companies at an ever-increasing pace. Simultaneously, we’re witnessing a surge in government regulations aimed at facilitating the day-to-day management of this transformation.

According to the Economist Across the rich world, Governments are implementing more than ten times as many policies as they were each year in 2010 – 2015 If their Manifestos are anything to Go by, Politicians Plan a lot more in the coming years to achieve dominance in renewable energy, Electric Trasport and Generative AI this is the biggest policy shift in a generation 

As we navigate this transition, With the move towards decentralization, there is a concern that we might be losing out on the innovation needed to tackle these pressing global issues.

With more Policy comes more regulation and more uncertainty in an already changing world requiring greater flexibility for companies to deal with compliance costs, Market Access, create  Innovation work with companies, In this uncertain world. Blendly  PAAS is a digital platform that allows volume coffee users to create their own unique blends of coffee using a wide range of high-quality green coffee beans from around the world. Delivered using its food security system reducing the intermediaries in the coffee supply chain and allowing direct shipment across the most complex networks also allow instant management of materials used in the supply chain keeping you ahead of Labeling, Licecining and Policy changes that affect your Environmental and social governance policy 

Blendly – October 2023 Newsletter

Sodexo Research finds “20% Suppliers do not have a Carbon Reduction Plan”

Sodexo Research finds that ‘20% of suppliers do not have a carbon reduction plan in place.’ collaborates with companies to facilitate their transition to Net Zero with its food security technology. Blendly PAAS is a digital platform that empowers volume coffee users to craft their unique blends using a diverse selection of high-quality green coffee beans from around the world. These blends are delivered through Blendly’s food security system, streamlining the coffee supply chain by reducing intermediaries and enabling direct shipment across complex networks………….. Learn more about carbon reduction with Blendly

Home Roasting Packs : Three Steps to a Great Coffee

The Blendly roasting packs enable you to join a community of coffee lovers that grows everyday, fostering a deeper understanding of your coffee’s contents. It assists you in developing your knowledge of beans, taste, and roasting colour for your home, friends, family, and workplace via With the Home Roasting packs, all you need to do is start making and enjoying coffee. Blendly offers unique tools to help you create your blend, which is then managed and delivered to your satisfaction..…………. Explore more about home roasting packs

“When Baristas Blend: The Auld Tram Coffee Blends”

Auld Tram is an original Dundee & District Tramways Horse-Drawn Tram, one of the oldest examples in existence today. Auld Tram is passionate about the city of Dundee and the preservation of its historical identity. Auld Tram has its coffee developed by Blendly and has made use of Blendly’s distributor program to distribute their coffee with other coffee lovers throughout Dundee. They have shown that coffee is much more than a drink; it’s a community……………. Read more about Auld Tram Coffee Blends

When Baristas Blend: The Auld Tram Coffee Blends

Auld Tram is an original Dundee & District Tramways Horse Drawn Tram and one of the oldest examples in existence today. Auld Tram is passionate about the city of Dundee and the preservation of its historical identity. Auld Tram has its coffee developed by Blendly and has made use of Blendly’s distributor program to distribute their coffee to other coffee lovers throughout Dundee. In our original article on Auld tram, we focused on the Blendly features they use. Today we focus on their artistry of blending coffee for their market. Here are some of their delicious blends:


Auld Tram Mocha Djimmah 

This whole bean coffee has rich, fruity and winey undertones. The aftertaste can almost be described as chocolatey. A great coffee for blending, but on its own, it is often used as the basis of Turkish style coffees. This is a light-medium roast that originates from Ethiopia.


Auld Tram Brazilian

This whole bean coffee has a specific individual flavour. It is lightly nutty and pleasantly sweet and is a great base for a coffee blend. This is a light-medium roast grown in the San Paulo Region of Brazil.


Auld Tram Indian Monsoon Malabar

This whole bean coffee is directly exposed to the monsoon winds in open warehouses. This increases the full-bodiness and reduces the acidity of the coffee. This is a light-medium roast that originates from India.


Auld Tram Indonesian 

 This whole bean coffee is bold and intense, that is deep, full-bodied and packing an earthy aroma. This is a light medium roast that originates from Indonesia.


Auld Tram Guatemalan  

This whole bean coffee has a lovely mellow taste with a slight acidity that is much admired by connoisseurs. This coffee is sometimes considered to be smoother and richer in flavour than the standard beans. This is a light-medium roast that originates from Guatemala.


Auld Tram Artisan Blend 

 This whole bean coffee is blended to create a perfectly balanced flavour; strong aroma, and long aftertaste rich crema when served as an espresso. This continental roast originates from Ugandan, Brazil, Ethiopia, India and Vietnam.


Auld Tram Colombian Swiss Water Decaf  

This decaffeinated Colombian coffee has a mellow body with fair acidity and a simple rich flavour. This dark Italian roast originates from Columbia.



Auld Tram is one of many baristas that have joined Blendly on the journey to distribute their brand. Their roasts are mostly light-medium, and they have shown that coffee is so much more than a drink, it’s a community.

Blendly – September 2023 Newsletter

Glocalization – The Future of Coffee Shops in the UK

The Highlander coffee chain, working with, allows local baristas to talk about the provenance of its coffee, with tastes that are unique to the local population. This enables them to serve coffee to a growing number of customers who desire transparent products that are unique to their life choices  ………… Read more on Glocalization of coffee shops in UK

The Low-Carbon Economy and Its Impact On Businesses – Navigating a Decentralized World

In recent years, the global conversation has been shifting from the advantages of globalization to the merits of a more decentralized world. Key areas such as energy, food, and health security are gaining prominence, along with the everyday effects on people and businesses, notably the cost of living crisis. This evolving worldview is driving policy changes, particularly in the realm of the low-carbon economy. The transition toward a low-carbon economy is bringing .…………. Read more on Low Carbon Economy in a decentralized world

The Blendly Model Differs From Traditional Commercial Coffee Roasters

The Blendly model differs from traditional commercial coffee roaster model in several ways, offering a new and secure standard for the commercial coffee industry. Blendly provides a unique approach that enhances food security, transparency, and omnichannel distribution. Tools like Data Standardization, Customization and Collaboration: Blendly empowers coffee users to customize their blends by leveraging the Brand Search facility on their website. Users can mix and match green beans to create unique flavor profiles, replicating popular global coffee brands …………… Read more on Blendly Coffee Roasting Model  

Perfect Coffee and Blend For Your Zodiac Sign

Do you ever think about which coffee blends suit your personality? With so many blend options and brewing techniques, it can be tricky to find the perfect cup of coffee.

Coffee is a major part of the morning routine for a lot of people across the globe, which makes it crucial to find out a flavour that suits your lifestyle and personality.

That is where the Zodiac sign comes in. By considering dominant personality traits and lifestyle choices of people, we can identify which coffee complements them best.

For instance, Hustlers might like a strong black coffee, which gives them a megadose of energy all day. Social butterflies might like the latest/ trending flavour.


Get the Perfect Coffee and Blend for your Zodiac Sign


  • Aries Is a fire sign
  • You are bold and competitive. You Like to take up challenges head on.
  • You find your match in equally strong and intense blend
  • Macchiato – An Italian coffee drink made with two shots of espresso and a dash of milk, is a bold drink for Aries.
  • Try out our Blendly Caledonia Best Espresso  blend for that perfect cup of Macchiato.



  • Taurus is an earth sign.
  • You are creative, strong and a great admirer of art
  • You like a blend that is indulgent, comforting and feast for the eyes. Just like our Cappuccino blend .It is sweet, rich and flavourful
  • A taurus would love to capture a nice cup of cappuccino on the phone for her instagram feeds.
  • Try out our The Boathouse Blend  for that perfect Cappuccino.



  • You are the most socialist of all the signs
  • You like a refreshing and sweet drink to fuel conversations and stay on top of trends. Just like our Cold Brew.
  • Try out our Cupcake Coffee Box Artisan Blend  for that perfect Cold Brew.




  • You are laid back and you like comfort
  • You enjoy stability over impulsive decisions.
  • You enjoy sweet, smooth and indulgent flavours. A Creamy, milky and sweet latte is your drink. Check out our latte Blend Blendly Crema Blend for that perfect  latte.



  • Your outgoing Royalty likes to have a spotlight on you. Common blends won’t do for leos. Your drink is bold, which makes a statement
  • Affogato – Coffee drink with 2 shots of espresso poured over vanilla gelato, This bold yet sweet coffee seems to be the coffee for Leos’.
  • Try out our Blendly Espresso Extra  blend for that perfect Affogato.



  • Virgos are perfectionists and traditionalists, Their drink just has to be as efficient and precise.
  • Cortado – Coffee drink with perfect balance of espresso and steamed milk, This spanish coffee drink seems to be the coffee for virgos’.
  • Try out our Blendly Lezet Blend  for that perfect cup of Cortado.



  • Libras seek harmony and balance, a coffee with right balance of ingredients, appeal to this air sign
  • Cafe Au Lait – A french coffee drink with equal parts of steamed milk and french pressed hot coffee. This silky, smooth and delicious blend seems to be the coffee for Libras’.
  • Try out our Blendly Sweet Espresso  blend for that perfect cup of Cafe Au Lait.



  • Scorpios are Bold, Intense and Straight shooters. They like to deep dive into everything they’re interested in.
  • Espresso – A concentrated, bold form of coffee served in strong shots, appealing to the intense side of scorpions.
  • Try out our Blendly Bad Boy Big Blend Espresso  for that perfect Espresso.



  • The adventurous and fun loving sagittarius are always up for a vacation or a party. 
  • Irish Coffee – Freshly brewed black coffee, Irish whiskey, Brown sugar and fresh cream make an energy-boosting drink for Sagittarius. 
  • Try out our Blendly Lezet Blend for that perfect Irish coffee.




  • Ambitious, dedicated and one of the most hardworking of the zodiac, They need a drink which keeps them on their A-game throughout their full packed day.
  • Long Black – A coffee drink made by pouring a Double shot of espresso over hot water, seems to be the drink for Capricorns.
  • Try out our Blendly Standard Dark Italian Espresso blend for that perfect Long Black.



  • You are known to be a wanderer and a traveller, You are not bound by norms.
  • Your coffee drink needs to reflect your spirit and originality. 
  • Yuen Yeung – This coffee drink hails from Hongkong, it includes brewed black coffee, hong kong style milk tea with condensed milk and sugar.
  • This coffee drink is quite popular like the Aquarius sign
  • Try out our Blendly Magic Blend for that perfect cup of Yuen Yeung.



  • You are dreamy, imaginative and romantic. Your water sign makes you kind and affable.
  • Mocha – A delicious blend of coffee milk and chocolate, has a deep luxurious taste.
  • Pisces will enjoy the indulgence and romance of this coffee drink.
  • Try out our McLaren Blend for that perfect Mocha.